It takes WE.

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Our nation was founded on the fundamental principles of equality and fighting injustice that prohibits individual liberties from existing and thriving in each and every citizens life. Our nation was founded among the principles of fighting against authority that refuses power to the citizens that create the nation in which we stand. Our country was founded on the promise of our government being people focused.

Democracy is direct self-government, over all the people, for all the people, by all the people,
— Abraham Lincoln

When democracy is not created by its people there is no democracy. As Martin Luther King Jr. wrote when he was in jail in Birmingham “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice anywhere”

That’s where 2020 comes in to play.

We. Are. The. Leaders. To. Make. Change.

Gandhi’s quote, “be the change you wish to see in the world,” are the greatest words ever documented. Be the change-own the change. Own the status quo, take responsibility because then you are not a victim. Gandhi stated once that Britain took nothing from them, Indians gave India to them. Be the change. Take the action.

Examining great civil rights leaders and their philosophies, now is a great time to reflect and practice of Martin Luther King Jr.’s 6 Principles of Nonviolence action.

  1. Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people. 

-it is an active and assertive movement with resistance to evil.

2. Nonviolence seeks to win friendship and understanding.

-the end result is a focus of community and reconciliation. In his words, the end result is the creation of a “Beloved Community”

3. Nonviolence seeks to defeat injustice, not people. 

-even evil-doers are victims.

4. Nonviolence holds that voluntary suffering can educate and transform.

-nonviolence willingly accepts consequences of acting on injustices.

-nonviolence accepts suffering without retaliation yet will never inflict violence

-this is to show that suffering is redemptive and transformative and has the power to convert the enemy if all else fails.

5. Nonviolence chooses love over hate.

-nonviolent love is active not passive but does not sink to the level of the enemy.

-love for the enemy is a demonstration of loving oneself and demonstrates interrelationships.

6. Nonviolence believes that the universe is on the side of justice. 

-those who practice nonviolence believes wholeheartedly and wholesomely that justice will always prevail.


When the principles of nonviolence are established, the steps that Martin Luther King Jr. created can be taken place-note he preached these principles to not be easy and in order to have success within it each principle must be fully understood and meditated within oneself.

His steps are the following:

  1. Gather information: learn absolutely everything to conquer every loophole.

  2. Educate others: armed with knowledge, it is your duty to speak to others in a civil manner and include everyone who will be affected.

  3. Remain Committed: accept the challenges, accept the obstacles. Change is not easy but when you accept the difficulties you agree to encourage and inspire others in the journey.

  4. Negotiate Peacefully: all parties must be understood, use humor, grace and intelligence to lead to solutions that benefit the all.

  5. Take Action Peacefully: When negotiation fails, results are not produced, or if the problem is broader-action must be taken peacefully to accomplish peaceful results. When evil is the injustice, peace must be the action.

  6. Reconcile: Keep all action, never retract on what has been accomplished.

We are doing this for us, for our ancestors, for our future generations. We are just that-a WE. There is no “us vs. them” there is no separation of “you and I” we are a WE and it takes US to make a difference for the good of all peoples. We are earthlings first, we are humans first. We are facing a great conflict and it is up to the PEOPLE to recognize and create the unity we lack.

“The opposite of war is not peace, it’s creation,” (Rent the Musical, 1994). Everyone has their own ideas of how peace is accomplished. Everyone has their own ideas of what peace is. However, why do we fight in war? To accomplish these opposing ideals of peace. Peace is created, peace is not won. 

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