Self Care Isn't Selfish

Mental Health

Personally mental health isn’t something I am very open about or am really in tune with compared to other people but that doesn’t mean I don’t struggle. Everyone struggles. Whether we talk about or bottle it up, we are human and can only handle so much especially as we get older and navigate all of life’s obstacles. Every hardship that we face makes us stronger and helps prepare us for the next obstacle because let's face it, we’re going to have them every step of the way for the rest of our lives. What I am getting at is that it’s okay to face things head on, feel all of the feelings, ask for help, or take some time to yourself to figure it out but always remember that you are not alone. 

My first thought about those that have lost their job or have experienced the waves of this pandemic, is that it has to have an affect on their mental health. I thought about all of the families that don’t have a steady income anymore, those that have underlying health issues which leaves them at risk, those that are adapting to having their kids at home 24/7, it has to be such an extreme adjustment. If you do not have a solid mental foundation these curveballs can hit you hard which is why it is so important to be selfish when it comes to your own personal health. I’m sure most of us aren’t used to acknowledging what we’re really feeling but if you’re reading this, this is your sign to start. 

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What sets Fit Bar apart from other businesses is that we practice and preach three simple words, “Mindset, Nutrition, and Movement”. Notice that the first word of our motto is “mindset” because it truly is the most important. Our mission is to bring awareness to the fact that before you can fix anything else you must have the right mindset. Think of dieting, for example if your mindset is to lose weight as fast as possible, once you get to your “goal weight” then what, you stop and eventually end up back at square one. If you have a mindset of wanting to improve your overall health, your lifestyle should be the thing to change which replaces that temporary feeling with something long term. The same thing goes for your job, school, or anything that you may have a negative perspective on because it’s not exactly what you are passionate about. If you change your thoughts to how your current situation will set you up for success in the future, that may change the way you feel. You might feel more motivated and positive about the next steps and how hard you want to work to get there. No matter what it is, it’s good to set realistic goals, steps to get there, and focus on how you feel. Mindset over EVERYTHING. 

Although Fit Bar advertises our nutrition focus and coaching, we start with where your mindset is at and how we can create the most positive experience to set you up for success in all the other aspects of your life. It’s terrifying being vulnerable with how you feel, trust me I am the worst at expressing feelings and emotions but sometimes it gets to the point where I do feel like I need guidance and answers. Spread positivity always and don’t forget to be selfish sometimes because you at your best can help others whether you know it or not. 

I challenge you this week to focus on how to become a better version of yourself whether that’s going for a walk, making yourself a meal, getting together with a friend, journaling, the possibilities are endless just do something that makes you feel good! 

Coach Liv
