Have you found yourself at a plateau? Working out, eating right, reading more, walking, staying hydrated, fasting, working, etc…But not seeing the results you seek?
Well we know, first-hand, what burn-out looks like… as working days and nights, doubles often, eating when we could, sleeping 5-6 hours, doing it all… but at what cost.
I begin to ask myself were we doing too much?
Was the stress adding-to or aiding my body?
And was having the ability to do it all, really a strength, or was there more strength offered in the ability to allow myself to recover, restore, and go in-ward to find my calm and reset button?
We are firm believers in Mindset, Nutrition, and Movement… But also, even more important, we believe encompassing a lifestyle that supports, fuels, and balances us in all forms, is what truly matters.
To find this balance, we often fill up our cups, our to-do lists get longer, and we think, “more goals, equals more progress,” in turn, equating to (more) success.
That may be true for a select few, but most of us need much less to create balance, stay focused, and see growth in our lives.
And let’s be honest, we don’t need to goal-chase or goal-seek (yes, I said it…breathe, it’s ok… we still get sh*t done), instead we need to set standards for the lifestyle we want to live and create the habits within ourselves to achieve those standards, daily.
Will goals arise from the standards we set, sure.
Will you have things you want to achieve or complete, yes; but, understanding that it is not the goal, but that of the habits and the journey we build before and after achieving it, that keeps us going and growing.
Here are my top 4 habits I do daily to reinforce the standards I need to create balance, stay focused, and get results, all while doing less!
Morning Routine- KEEP IT SIMPLE
When we remind ourselves to Be Intentional, even in the struggles, we gain perspective, growth, and wisdom.
As we reduce our daily tasks and focus on not only what is important to us physically, but emotionally, spiritually, and creatively, we leave room to restore and execute the obstacles in front of us, no matter their scale or size.
And of course, sleep… as it is the foundation of our recovery and just as it is important to start our day with intention, we must end it with intention and rest.
I limit my screen time at night, incorporate a sleep meditation, and drink a relaxing reishi tea to help restore and offer calm to my evening.
We know that creating balance can be a challenge! But, trust… it is one worth taking. Making changes and seeing results in our inner and outer world(s) can often begin by simplifying our lives, and doing LESS.
If you need help, inspo, or encouragement getting your day set up for success, reach out to us and we would love to help you!
In Light,