5 Micro Habits to Build Consistency

As a new year approaches, we may often find ourselves getting overwhelmed with to-do’s, goals, checklist, and the overall feeling of needing to “do more.”

While our tribe at Fit Bar encourages goal setting, it doesn’t mean that we believe we only get one chance, each year, to highlight what we want, who we want to be, or what we want to do.

We understand that each day we rise is a chance to show up, and work towards our bigger picture.

Many of us want the grand movements and actions that make us feel like our progress is folding over daily, turning the pages of our book. Progress that doesn’t only look measurable, but feels it, as well.

When is the last time you felt like you hit a goal or checked something off your to-do list that made you smile with a sigh of relief?

We all know that feeling and we've been conditioned to believe that such is the feeling to chase.

It brings us closer to our goals, success, joys, eliminates our failures, and gives us the ultimate sense of accomplishment. 

But what if I told you that chasing goals and sighing big sighs, isn't the only way to grab what you want in the universe. 

I’ll have you consider that by simply building habits around the person you want to be and life you want to have, your goals will align themselves.

Those sighs of relief will soon be in every micro movement of your being, as you are building your complete picture, internally, which will be the foundation of all external growth. 

Habit based growth, I like to call it. Where we commit to us, hard, with action and intention, no matter the challenges we face.


Here are 5 Mirco habits that have brought my life Macro Growth.


1.The Practice of Gratitude

Express it. Live it. Be thankful for all experiences, even the ones that put us down, as we rise in gratitude and strength to build ourselves daily. Start with a morning mantra of gratitude or affirmation.

Simply, repeat, “I am thankful” to start the practice of bringing gratitude into your heart.

If you already practice a life of gratitude, think of one way you can share it in a different way.

2. Staying Curious.

They say curiosity killed the called, but they often forget cats live many lives! It is our curiosity that allows us to write each day new.

When emotions get high, or heavy, instead of letting them over take us, ask the question, “why am I feeling this way.” Going deeper with ourselves will allow us to stay curious in other places.

Asking questions and remaining open to information gives us the platform to change and grow in the moment at hand. Staying curious allows us a chance to understand, and understanding is the root of growth.

3. Making a list.

Some people plan their months, years, weeks, days, down to the second... That can be overwhelming for some, that’s why it’s important to make a list in a way that works for you.

Each day will call for its own priorities that’s why although planning the long-haul is great but, being adaptable enough to create a day-of list bring our priorities to the forefront and allows us to achieve the micro victories that build consistency.

Take 5-10 min the night before to build a list that reflects the most important agenda for you!

I like to keep my list simple and clear, start with the #1 priority for the day.

Don’t be afraid to adjust your list and rearrange your priorities.

By understanding we will always have things to get done, but it is a matter of importance, we will execute more priorities and as we tackle the most important, the little ones simply feel like mega victories.

Even if you only get your #1 thing done for the day, know that the next day you will start with your #2 item and continue to go from there.

Many people X their list or priorities all together when they can’t get them all done or have to rearrange things. That is a big disservice to ourselves, and instead of saying okay I accept defeat today, just going to wing it cause ______ happened, we counter and say, this happened but I still need to get this done today, not tomorrow because it was your number one priority for the day.

4. Building a Daily Routine.

Routines are the bridges of consistency, I like to think.

Whether it be drinking your coffee in the morning, hitting your walk, journaling, listening to music, crafting, etc.

Try to dedicate 10-60 minutes a day, where you focus on a routine that restores and balances you.

This is a non-negotiable priority that should be reflected or allotted space for on your day of to-do list.

Remember, routines do not have to be elaborate, they can be very simple or as wild as your heart would like!

5. Staying Clear. Staying Intentional.

The biggest-and to me-most important aspect to building consistency is staying clear on the vision of your life and yourself, that you are trying to create.

Remember, we create the life we want and determine who we are, by our actions and choices today.

How do you get clear on what you want? Who you want to be? How you want to live?

The answer that could last a thousand pages, right!

It starts with intentional living.

Be present. Align your actions, with your words. Practice, practice, practice.

It is okay to say, this is new for me, but I will work on it. The self-talk we create makes or breaks our vision. Self-doubt takes away our clarity, so it’s important to create a dialogue with ourselves that is supportive and understanding.

Also, if you just don't know what you want, start by writing it down!

One at a time: they type of person you want to be, the things you want to do, the impact you would like to have as an individual, how you want to show up in your relationships, etc.

Be so clear that the only thing that needs sharpening is the pencil in your hand to keep going.


At Fit Bar, we believe that our life is built by the practices we KEEP.

By practicing gratitude, staying curious, making a list, setting a routine, and living a clear-intentional life, you will indeed see strides to your goals and realize that with building this type of consistency in your everyday life, you can tackle anything, small or big, as it’s in your nature to execute.

As Always, Keep Raising the Bar.