Putting Your Health First

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It is crucial for our health and sanity that we find light or make our own during this dark time. It is way too easy to stress and overthink about the things we cannot control. I know that I am doing my best to keep positive and use this time to be creative. I have a couple at home remedies that I absolutely love and want to share that you can experiment with while you’re trapped inside. Okay “trapped inside” might be a little over dramatic and we all have our own opinions regarding the situation but in all seriousness it is important to be aware of your surroundings and make smart decisions to protect not only yourself but others. A little piece of advice for all of you is that hoarding toilet paper is not going to solve the world's problems, shocking I know. Do whatever you need to do to put your mind at ease but please think about other people and more appropriate solutions.

  Keeping your immune system up should be top priority pretty much all the time but especially right now and there are plenty of ways you can do that while being home. Moving your body will get those endorphins going and knock your stress levels down which if you didn’t know, stress suppresses our body’s ability to fight off infections. Whether it’s an at home bodyweight workout, stretching, or my favorite - a walk outside in the fresh air, get moving! As much as we all hate it, apple cider vinegar has some amazing benefits that include killing harmful bacteria and is a great addition to your everyday routine. You can find one of my favorite immune boosting drinks to sip on in the morning on an empty stomach or as a soothing bed time drink down below. Lastly, the most important yet overlooked tip I can give you for staying healthy is DRINK WATER. Sounds simple but for some reason is easily forgotten and when you’re dehydrated your body is more fragile and susceptible to illness. Give these recommendations a try and let us know how they work for you! 

Sending positive energy and wishing you all good health as we embark on this crazy and unknown journey together!

Immune Boosting Drink

½  fresh lemon (about 1 tbsp)

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

1 tsp freshly grated ginger

1 tsp cinnamon

¼ tsp cayenne pepper

1 tsp honey 

8 oz hot water

Coach Liv, Pn1

Contact: Live@fitbarcafe.com