It Should Be Illegal to Leave Trader Joes Without


My love for Trader Joes has always been flourishing every single day. Growing up in Monrovia, CA the central hub of Trader Joes everyone basically lives there. TJ’s runs in my blood and consumes my soul and when I recently found out that it exists in Washington (no I don’t live under a rock, I just thought it was a California thing) I was so consumed by joy that my fan-girl Grocery Store obsession could be shared beyond our boarders.

Here is a list of JUST A FEW of my favorite things (in no particular order) from Trader Joes that I dream about and know YOU WILL LOVE!!! These are TJ’s EXCLUSIVE items so I’ll leave out the produce and things you can get anywhere! 



Trader Joes has various types of gnocchi that are all incredible. The potato gnocchi is a classic and surly will help that traditional craving! However, in the frozen section you will find, cauliflower, sweet potato, and kale gnocchi that are absolutely amazing and a little more nutrient dense!

The best part, is you can dress up this Italian dish any way you would like! My personal favorite is to cook the gnocchi (any type) over the stove, when it is tender, throw the garlic marinara sauce (also found from TJ’s or be fancy and make your own), throw in some artichoke hearts, sun dried tomatoes, and a few garlic cloves (we like bad breath here). BOOM! Simple, filling, nutrient dense meal with very little prep time!



MOVE OVER EXPENSIVE HAIR PRODUCTS TJ’s HAS STEPPED THE GAME UP!!! Take it from someone with fine, blonde hair prone to damage and breakage but still will swim in the pool or ocean for hours despite the damage. These products together have been the SAVING GRACE for my hair this summer and trust me I am a product junkie I have tried everything and these products are very similar to name brand products that are $20-$40 and this baby you can snag while you shop. The scent is fantastic and will remind you of the tropical babe you are without being overwhelming. It is perfect for any and all hair types (my girl that introduced me to this has coarse curly hair and I would never match our hair products but this proved me wrong). Perfect for all genders all ages everyone. Just drop everything and go get it thank me later.



Play Hibachi Chef and make some KILLER fried rice at home thanks to TJ’s. Not into grains? Opt for the riced cauliflower with veggies (found in the frozen section). Heres how I break it down:

Oil up a skillet and cook the fried rice. Add chopped garlic (I have a garlic obsession). Add a little soy sauce. Fry up an egg and mix it in. Maybe add a little chicken, beef, or shrimp up in there to your liking as well!

This goes great with TJ’s Orange Chicken/Chickenless Orange Chicken and Beef with Broccoli also found in the frozen section.



Not necessarily a single item shout out but just an FYI TJ’s has a wide selection of various cheeses that are perfect to add cheesy goodness to your meals. The prices are very fair and the quality is fantastic! (Fun combo to try is the blueberry goat cheese and Fig and Olive cracker).

Side note, Trader Joes has an incredible cracker selection, mini pickles, jams, mustards, obviously fruit to make a scrumptious charcuterie board!



While on the general topic, someone’s gotta say it. 2 buck chuck is the way to my heart. The selection of wines is absolutely immaculate and affordable. The cheap wines taste expensive the expensive wines taste straight out of heaven. I mean come on now. MoonX Wine is sold exclusively at Trader Joes for a ridiculously affordable price and you’d think its a $90 bottle sold on a vineyard in Napa.

6. Peanut Butter Pretzels


This filling stack satisfies a salt crave and has a fun mouth feel with the airy pretzel and just the right amount of peanut butter in a single bite. Easy go to, not messy, and not as bad as diving into a bag of chips.

I grew up with them and have vivid memories of munching on them while I was in my stroller as my mom was pushing me on a run around the Rose Bowl so every time I drive by it, its an automatic craving.


STOP BUYING EXPENSIVE LUNCHES ON YOUR LUNCH BREAK AND STOCK UP ON THESE SALADS FOR A PARTY IN YOUR PALLET AND A SOLID PICK ME UP!They are all incredible and too convenient. My favorite one changes literally on the daily. Currently the bagged kale salad and the kale and edamame salad are a solid tie for being my #1 (I’m in a kale phase of my life).

Just because I care about you and want you to understand TJ’s has nothing to do with this blog. I love TJ’s pre made lunch things (salads, wraps, ect) but never waste your time on TJ’s sushi its only worth mentioning AVOIDING its just blah.

8. 21 Seasoning Salute


TJ’s seasonings are great, the Everything but the Bagel is a go to, the Chile Lime brings fruit carts to your kitchen, the Umami will melt your heart but the 21 Seasoning Salute?

To. Die. For.

Such a practical seasoning. Put it over veggies, season ANY MEAT, throw a little in your eggs, avocado toast, pizza, pasta, options are endless. Most practical seasoning to ever bless the earth to enhance foods natural flavors and give a little-UMPH!

9. Spud Crunchies


If you are anything like me, you probably get random cravings at unholy hours for some french fries. Spud crunchies are ketchup flavored potato sticks that are crisp on the outside and light and airy on the inside. They are at a dangerous low price of $1.99 and are much more guilt free than dollar menu fries.

10. Rose water toning spray


Go get this. Throw it in your bag, have one in your car, or just tape one to your wrist to always have available. It is a killer price unlike other brands that charge an arm and a leg for rose water that is mostly alcohol that dries out your face. Your skin will drink this refreshing spray up and leave a non-wet non greasy feel (great setting spray as well to LOCK IT IN.)

I thought I would stop at 10 but just one more:



TJ’s desserts are incredible (Ice cream bon bons, mini ice cream cones I mean, come ON!!!), literally anything you get is so rich and superb they will satisfy your sweet tooth.

HOWEVER, not to choose favorites but the COWBOY BARK takes some of the greatest things on the planet and puts them onto a thick piece of chocolate. Peanuts, Jo-O’s (TJ’s oreo’s), thin pretzels, toffee, almonds, and a little sprinkle of salt. There should be a warning that it is impossible to have only one piece. Cowboy bark is my #1 weakness.