How to Optimize Your Daily Routine


If you’re like me and feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day whether you’re working, going to school, taking care of kids, exercising, or all of the above WHILE trying to get the recommended full 8 hours of sleep, you might feel like you’re playing catch up 24/7.

This is where you need to evaluate where you are putting your energy and find the time to make the most of your day from sun up to sun down, without overworking yourself of course. Here are some tips and tricks that I have found to be the most helpful to create a balanced and productive day. 

Sleep should be number ONE, you literally cannot function without sleep so if you are going to prioritize anything let it be sleep. Create a bedtime routine, something like no electronics one hour before bedtime, stretching, or reading while laying in bed, anything to relax your body and transition into a sleep mindset. I struggle with looking at my phone up until I go to bed or getting sucked into a tv show and next thing I know it’s 11:30 and I have to get up at 6 in the morning. Creating those boundaries will help you reduce the obstacles interfering with a good night's sleep. I have found that drinking a nighttime caffeine free tea, something with Chamomile since it has anxiety and calming relief properties, or Four Sigmatic Reishi elixir with hot water which is known for reducing stress and helping with sleep, plays a huge role in how well I sleep. Find what works best for you and don’t be afraid of trial and error! 

Opposite of a nighttime routine, you should establish a morning routine that will help get your body up and running for the day ahead. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, first thing should be a big glass of water since your body has been without for the whole night. Then you could do a morning stretch or yoga flow to activate your muscles and get the blood flowing throughout your body because if you feel sleepy, you’re going to think and act sleepy. To ensure my mornings are productive, I will set out a pair of workout clothes on my dresser and set my alarm early enough to get a walk in in the morning. Even a short 30 minute walk does wonders for my mental and physical productivity. My FAVORITE part of every morning is a big cup of coffee with added superfoods of course. I think it is important to boost your coffee because not only does it add extra flavor, it’s packed with superfoods and vitamins depending on what you are adding. My go to coffee in the morning is a pour-over with Four Sigmatic Lion’s Mane elixir for a brain boost, a scoop of Vital Proteins collagen peptides which not only adds extra protein but does wonders for skin elasticity, hair, and nail growth, and lastly a splash of non-dairy creamer, vanilla cashew milk is my go to right now!


After establishing daily routines, they should become habits which then can create an open schedule for you to pencil in everything you need to accomplish for the day, week, or even month ahead. A planner is a must for a busy schedule so start with a list of everything you need to do for the month including events, bills, hobbies, appointments, literally anything you have on your plate write it down! Assign days for each of your tasks and even go the extra mile of adding time slots if you really need to be precise to help you stay on track and not over do it. Weed out anything that is adding stress and can be avoidable so you can focus your energy on the things that matter most. What it comes down to the most is being able to establish what is adding value to your life and what you can live without and don’t forget to take time for yourself between the hustle and bustle! 

Don’t forget to check out and browse our supplements! Zen capsules, Vital Proteins Collagen Sleep shot, and Four Sigmatic Reishi Elixir are some our crews favorite products to help with sleep and relaxation!

Coach Liv
