2022: The Year of Health and Wellness

There is no better way to ring in the New Year than by bringing back our beloved Fit Bar blog posts. Although I felt that a break was necessary while dealing with the loss of someone who positively impacted not only Fit Bar, but a lot of people’s lives, I am feeling inspired and creativity inclined to spread the message of health to our readers. 

I want to acknowledge Erwin for a minute, for those of you who did not know him, I was lucky enough to work beside him for over two years and let me just say, they were the best and most entertaining two years of my life! He radiated positivity and although I may not have known it when he was here on this Earth, Erwin has taught me to not worry about the opinions of others but to focus on myself and my happiness. Not only was he a smiling face for our customers to see daily, but he practiced what he preached when it came to health and wellness. Before an early 8am shift, and even after an eight hour summer shift where it was back to back orders all day, he always made time for the gym and his health. The most dedicated and lively soul, he motivated me back then and he will continue to inspire me forever. I refer to Erwin as our “Fit Bar angel” because I know that he is constantly watching over the cafe, making sure we are all taken care of. ♥

Let it be known that even though Christmas is over, and man did it fly by, the holiday spirit hasn’t died down just yet. Our health is something that we should constantly be working on, not just when it’s convenient or looked at as a trend. All of our supplements at the cafes are currently 20% off using our “Holiday20” discount code, typically this deal would only be valid through Christmas but we have decided to extend it! Since the first of the year is oftentimes a crucial first step in some of your health journeys, we want to help kick start them and offer the best supplements you can find at an unbeatable price. As a nutrition coach, I have learned that supplements should not be your number one priority when trying to change your diet, but they can be extremely beneficial when you incorporate them into your diet of mainly whole and nutritionally dense foods. Fit Bar is 100% focused on sourcing clean ingredients and foods that make you feel good and same goes for all of the products that we sell. The majority of our supplements are organic and all of the ingredients listed in each product are ones that we know of and know how beneficial they are to our health. 

Organifi, LAIRD, Vital Proteins, Four Sigmatic, and SunWarrior are some of the supplements that are currently 20% off and happen to be some of the best out there! I have personally tried a product from every single one of these brands and definitely notice a difference when consuming them consistently. Organifi has a variety of supplements from “Green Juice” which is amazing for those who struggle with eating enough vegetables throughout the day, “Red Juice” which is packed with antioxidants and Vitamin C to fight off the million viruses going around right now. “Gold” is a combination of turmeric and ginger which also helps boost your immune system, and makes for the perfect winter drink when combined with hot water or milk. LAIRD is a mushroom packed powdered creamer that mixes so well in your morning coffee, afternoon latte, or even that hot chocolate nightcap. Vital Proteins are the supplements that we never knew we needed until we realized how amazing the benefits are. This specific brand is made of collagen peptides which are 100% protein amino acids that our bones, skin, hair, and joints all become stronger from, plus it can dissolve in just about anything. Medicinal mushrooms I know sound a little sketchy when you first hear the name, but I would say if you were to start with any new supplement, Four Sigmatic mushrooms would be perfect. We carry four different types of boxed mushrooms along with mushroom infused ground coffee, and even immune boosting drinks. 

I think it is safe to say that Fit Bar is your one stop shop for all things HEALTH. Like I mentioned, health is oftentimes a trend and fades in and out as the seasons change but I encourage you all to make the changes in your life that will benefit your health. Whether that be eating more fruits and vegetables, going to the gym three times a week, getting outside for a walk to soak in some Vitamin D, or stopping by the Fit Bar cafe to fuel up with some supplements that will quite literally be life changing.! Whatever it may be, listen to your body and treat it as a temple because after all, we only get one body for the rest of our lives and it is up to us how we cherish it. HEALTH20 will get you 20% off any supplement purchased online through our website or in stores at any of our cafes. 

In the spirit of giving and bettering our health, we have also decided to elevate our customer’s experience with a giveaway to ring in the New Year! To spread a little LOVE, we are teaming up with one of our loyal customers that happens to have a badass product to enhance your fitness journey. LOVE BANDS not only kill your glutes in the best way, they’re high quality and cute so I recommend you enter in this giveaway ASAP - the best and easiest way to spread the love and see what all the talk of booty bands is about! Oh and if that wasn’t enough, along with a duo band glute set, we are also including a $50 Fit Bar gift card so you can stock up on all the supplements and acai bowls your heart (and stomach) can handle! 

 The giveaway starts on January 3rd until and ends Friday the 7th, here’s how to enter: 

  • Follow @curvycurl and @fitbarcafe on INSTAGRAM

  • Tag TWO friends in the comments

  • *Bonus entry* share the giveaway post on your IG story!

The winner of this giveaway will be announced on Saturday so keep your eyes peeled!! 

This giveaway is just the start of what is to come in the new year and you can expect to see some amazing things happen from us at Fit Bar and others in our community. Stay tuned for other giveaways, events, collaborations, new products, and much more! We are here to support our community in any way possible and aspire to build meaningful connections with our customers so thank you to those who have stuck with us along the way, and look forward to those who are beginning their journey to their best self! Oh and don’t forget your complimentary coffee on the way out if you visit the cafe, our way of saying THANK YOU for supporting our small business and to keep you warm during these cold Winter days!


Coach Liv
