

Our nature as humans is to always be wanting more, the newest item on the market, quick fixes with minimal work, high expectations, and fast results. As much as we don’t want to admit that, myself included, it is true which is why being intentional and patient in all aspects of my life is something that I have been working on and I encourage you all to do the same. I would consider myself an impatient person although I think I am okay at hiding my emotions, that usually means I am boiling on the inside. They say patience is a virtue and I have noticed just how true that saying is, especially as I get older and experience more of life. 

You can’t change the people around you, the only thing you can change is YOUR own personal life because you are in control. I often wait around for answers to come to me but I realize that doesn’t get me the outcome that I am looking for, and most often there is no outcome, well because I am not actively doing my part. I notice this negative personal attribute in the small things, for example school, cooking, cleaning, working out, relationships, and even work. For starters, wouldn’t it be nice if homework did itself, I mean c’mon who doesn’t need some extra help with algebra. Time management and of course, patience is key for being successful and right now for me, success means the small things like getting an A on a test. Success looks different for everyone and I know we often forget that. I am currently taking summer classes and if for those of you who are unfamiliar with classes in the summer, the quarter itself is shrunken into about two months versus regular quarters that are spread out between three months. Anyways, this is where time management is extremely important to ensure that the workload is not unbearable. I mentioned being impatient but might I add, I am a little bit of a procrastinator about certain things and school is one of them. I let assignments hang over my head instead of getting them done so I have been actively trying to work on that and since switching my typical ways takes time, my patience is also expanding. So a small win for me this past week was practicing time management and prioritizing my assignments before they got ahead of me. Life is all about compromise so although I had less time to “relax” after work, completing my homework was satisfying and left me feeling relieved because there is nothing more relaxing than knowing you completed a task. 

Health and wellness can also be tricky when it comes to prioritizing, even though it should be as simple as eating vegetables and working out right? WRONG. Putting nutrition and your health is somewhat challenging especially if it has been on the back burner for so long. Like I mentioned before, there are so many eye-catching products on the market or shiny new items that we all want to get our hands on, hoping it can fix some of our problems. As much as we would like to think that a specific supplement can help us lose those last 15 pounds, or one medication that will fix your mental health instantly, that is not the case. The challenges that we face as human beings in our day to day life, are typically ones that we need to continually work on every single day, even when we don’t feel like it. Mental health stems from all aspects of our daily routines that you may not realize including, the food that you eat (this is 100% number one), the people you surround yourself with, your relationships, daily movement and exercise, the shows you watch, and even the music you listen to. We are so quick to find that instant gratification to suppress those negative emotions, but have you ever stopped to think about your personal contribution? The time you spend meal prepping each week can be crucial for your health because the you that is dreading cooking and cleaning for two hours, is the same you that is thanking yourself when it’s late and you’re tired after work. You don’t have to worry about spending another second not relaxing because your meal is already made for you, and the same goes for those 10 minutes in the morning you take to stretch or meditate. Although it may be early and you’re feeling tired at that exact moment, you notice the difference throughout the day when things get stressful. 


I guess that through this entire blog of me rambling on, what I am trying to say is that we should WANT to find the patience that will help ourselves in the long run. We should WANT to put in the work so that we can be our best selves for those around us and for what you have going on in your mind. It may take time, I still struggle every single day with being patient and not reaching for convenience, but making small switches every single day will leave you with a lasting result. And lasting results are not something that you are going to get with that 30 day detox you spent hundreds of dollars on because you wanted to get in shape, or with the to-do list that is now a mile long because you “don’t have time.” All we have in this world is time and I know that I would personally rather put in the work to make the most of it, instead of watching it pass by me wondering “what if.”

Coach Liv, Pn1

Instagram: @fitbarcafe

Facebook: Fit Bar Superfood Cafe
