Summer in the PNW


I can’t write a blog about summertime without mentioning that insane heat weave the West Coast experienced the other week. I love the heat, I lived in Florida for three years and I am from the east side of Washington so I have experienced my fair share of heat, but dang! 105 degree weather in Seattle where only 40% of homes have air conditioning, INSANE. Might I add that all standing fans everywhere were sold out, so ice packs and cold showers were my best friends for a few days. The Fit Bar also experienced some trials and tribulations because as you know, we rely on frozen ingredients for our products, so they definitely struggled a bit to stay cool and keep the heat out. We made it through though and as much as I complained, which was more than I’d like to admit, it made me realize we have to make the most out of uncontrollable situations. I also live five minutes from Lake Washington so it is about time that I take advantage of the Summer sun and Summer activities before the rain makes its appearance again during Fall and Winter. 


There are so many benefits of being outdoors, the main one being a major mood boost and one of the most beneficial solutions to better your mental health. Being under the sun for as little as 10 minutes can increase serotonin and leave you feeling refreshed and positive, not to mention a nice tan is always a plus. Although 105 degrees is almost too hot to be outside, when you are by a body of water or anything to cool you off, it can be the best way to spend a summer day. I have mentioned taking long walks before but walks are truly my favorite activity because it is time away to listen to my favorite podcasts or audio book, and it feels like a little escape from reality. I have a path that I walk pretty much every day but some days it is nice to explore a new area. I always stop half way into my walk and spend a few minutes barefoot in the grass, also known as “grounding”. Whenever I try to explain to someone what exactly grounding is, I realize how ridiculous it sounds to say that grounding helps me feel balanced, but it truly does. As silly as you may feel taking your shoes and socks off while out in public frolicking in the grass, I promise it will bring a piece of mind. Something about being connected to the Earth brings on a  feeling you never knew you needed. I’ll even bring a book to read while spending time outside because soaking in the sunshine while diving into a good book is an instant mood booster. 

As crazy as it may sound to voluntary sweat while you are already sweating from the heat, may sound strange but a solid workout is always time well spent, even in the midst of the heat. As long as you are properly hydrated and listen to any signs your body gives you to avoid overheating, a workout is a great way to get moving and if you have access to any equipment outside, it can be for members so when the weather permitted, I would always make sure to complete at least half of my workout outside in the fresh air. I swear I always feel like a new person after every workout, especially the ones that I dread doing until it is completed. The best part about movement and working out is that your body is the best piece of equipment. If you do not have access, time, or space for an outdoor workout with equipment, you can always perform higher intensity exercises like squats, jumping, pushups, and abdominal movement with just your body. I love to walk to an open area like a tennis court or a large space on grass and perform a short body weight workout, usually around 20 minutes which is more than enough time to feel accomplished. Movement is good for the soul! Some tips to ensure I am set up for a successful workout are to write out the workout you plan to complete, something about knowing exactly what you are going to perform helps me stay motivated and reduces the chances of me ditching my workout due to lack of planning. 


You know that Summer wouldn’t be the same without a Fit Bar acai bowl or protein smoothie, but let it be known that all we have to offer can be enjoyed anytime of the year. Nothing says Summer like a thick and creamy acai bowl filled with nutrient dense ingredients and superfoods, maybe paired with an iced coffee. Just know that when the heat decides to disappear and we go back to our typical rainy days in Seattle, Fit Bar’s plant-based waffles will be here to warm you up and keep you in a positive mood. Once the weather starts to cool off, I know that my motivation and overall mood will decrease because that just comes with the change of season, so taking advantage of the warmer weather and sunshine will help me right now to make the most of my Summer. Plus it can’t hurt to think that my motivation will have a snowball effect and roll into the colder months, even if that is just wishful thinking. Whether you love the outdoors or a major homebody, you can’t help but want to soak up the sun so go out and do something that makes you happy!

Eat your meals outside, read a book at the park, go for a walk, or hangout with friends at the lake and enjoy these Summer moments and take advantage of the heat!

Coach Liv, Pn1

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Facebook: Fit Bar Superfood Cafe